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A contribution to food security in Finkolo

New Climate Fund project in Mali: Building a storage building for agricultural products as a climate mitigation measure.

Naturefriends France have been cooperating with Naturefriends Mali 2ADIB-MALI for many years now – one successful example for their cooperation is the development of vegetable cultivation, benefitting the whole local community in Finkolo and its approximately 7,000 inhabitants.

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Photo: Martin Bauer

Stop tax exemption for kerosene!

A European Citizens’ Initiative has been launched to end the aviation fuel tax exemption in Europe.

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Gerald Mader

With great sorrow Naturefriends received the news of the death of former President Gerald Mader

Gerald Mader was the President of NFI from 1987 until 1996. During his presidency, NFI moved back to Austria and the Berlin Wall fell. Subsequently, Naturefriends from Hungary, Czechia and Slovakia and the former GDR became part of our movement. In addition, the first contacts to Naturefriends from Senegal were established while he was President and Naturefriends Senegal were admitted as the first African member organisation in 1996.  Gerald Mader was especially involved in peace work – he set up the renowned international Peace University of Schlaining. Gerald Mader will forever be remembered as the peace president and as the one, who significantly extended our movement.

EU Flagge

European Elections 2019: What Naturefriends should expect from future MEPs!

An opinion piece by Manfred Pils, President of Naturefriends International 

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© Mamadou Mbodji

Improved stoves for a better future

In the second half of February, Mamadou Mbodji, Vice-President of NFI and member of the Steering Group of the Naturefriends Climate Fund, visited Guinea in order to take part in the implementation of NFI’s current Climate Fund project, which aims to promote improved stoves in three rural municipalities in the Mount Nimba Biosphere Reserve.

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