VIII. Czech National Gathering of Friends of Nature: „Beneath the Blanik mountain“


The eighth year of the National Gathering of Czech Friends of Nature.

Vlašim, Central Bohemia 

National Meeting Young Italian Naturefriends


Young Italian Naturefriends will have their 5th National meeting and focus on identifying inputs and tools to make a concrete support to local communities through activities based on non-formal education.

NF House "Alexander Langer" of Saviore dell'Adamello (BS) – Italy

Camp for young mountaineers in Iran


This Camp is a perfect chance for young mountaineers from all around the world.

Damavand, Iran | 20.07. - 01.08.2019

NIVON (Naturefriends The Netherlands) celebrates its 95th anniversary


NIVON (Naturefriends The Netherlands) celebrates its 95th anniversary.

Nivon Campsite Het Hallse Hull, Hallseweg 10, 6964 AM Eerbeek | 07.06. - 10.06.2019

One Europe for All - Your voice against nationalism!

On Sunday, May 19th, 2019, there are demonstrations all over Europe with ten thousands of participants! For the future of Europe & against nationalism!

In European Cities | 19.05.2019