Climate crisis and Naturefriends Houses
Over 700 Naturefriends Houses exist worldwide in Europe, Africa, and the Americas. The first Naturefriends House was opened in 1907 in Vienna, Austria, marking the beginning of a movement to provide the working class with access to affordable recreation in nature. Over time, these houses became symbols of solidarity, environmental protection, and grassroots activism.
Most Naturefriends Houses are located in scenic areas, such as the mountains, forests or near lakes, and are ideal for hiking, climbing and other outdoor activities. Some houses are in or near cities, offering affordable accommodation and a starting point for exploring urban and cultural attractions (for example Naturefriends Netherlands Houses).
Their importance lies in providing travellers with eco-friendly accommodation, often at affordable prices. The houses are meeting places for people interested in nature, sustainability and social equality. Many houses host workshops, seminars and activities related to ecology, nature conservation and climate protection. Each house is often managed by a local Naturefriends organisation ensuring alignment with local needs and the global mission of the Naturefriends movement.
In the context of the climate crisis, Naturefriends Houses can play a critical role in fostering awareness, building resilience, and demonstrating sustainable living practices. These houses, deeply rooted in the ideals of environmental stewardship and community, are uniquely positioned to address the challenges posed by climate change while inspiring collective action.
Recent impacts of the climate crisis on Naturefriends Houses and risks threatening the houses
However, the Naturefriends Houses are themselves increasingly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Extreme weather events have become more regular in recent years, threatening both nature and the Naturefriends Houses' infrastructure. The natural settings that surround numerous of these buildings are degrading due to deforestation, biodiversity loss, and water scarcity increasing the risk of landslides and wildfires. The main cause of climate-related disasters is an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, which are predominantly produced by wealthier countries.
Below are just a few of our most recent examples of disasters affecting Naturefriends Houses, as well as measures to address specific issues.
The Sierra Madre Nature Friends House belonging to the LA Nature Friends section, a historic clubhouse built in 1920, was tragically destroyed by the Eaton Fire on 8 January 2025.
This loss emphasizes the growing threat of wildfires in California due to rising temperatures and extended droughts. The fire's quick spread was fuelled by extreme drought, dry vegetation, and strong winds, all of which are becoming more common as a result of climate change. Despite the devastation, the Naturefriends community remains resilient. The club's 200 members are determined to rebuild the Sierra Madre clubhouse, reflecting their commitment to environmental protection and community solidarity.
The destruction of the Sierra Madre Naturefriends House is a stark reminder of the increasing risks posed by climate change. It highlights the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to mitigate these risks, including sustainable land management, climate change adaptation measures and strengthening community resilience.
You find out more here: https://naturefriendsla.org/
The Naturefriends House in Petit Mbao near Dakar, Senegal, faced major challenges due to flooding, which highlights the increasing threats posed by climate change, urbanisation and inadequate infrastructure.
In 2022, the Naturefriends House suffered severe flood damage, with water entering the ground-floor premises. This incident highlighted the region's vulnerability to extreme weather events. Rapid urban development in the suburbs of Dakar has led to the sealing of ground surfaces, preventing natural water absorption and increasing runoff, contributing to flooding.
The solidarity of many Naturefriends has made it possible to start the renovation work on the Petit Mbao Naturefriends House, including urgent repairs such as the restoration of the damaged floor.
More information: https://www.nf-int.org/en/themen/landscape-year/aktivitaeten/20th-anniversary-naturefriends-house-petit-mbao-senegal
The challenges facing the Naturefriends House in Petit Mbao are emblematic of the broader issues facing Senegal due to climate change and urbanisation. Overcoming these challenges requires a multifaceted approach that includes improving urban planning, enhancing drainage infrastructure and implementing effective climate change adaptation strategies to build resilience to future flooding.
Another climate-related risk is the rising sea levels. Houses located near coastlines, especially in countries like the Netherlands or Senegal, are at risk of erosion and flooding as sea levels rise. The impact can be heavy: loss of land, reduced tourism appeal, and increasing costs for protective measures like seawalls.
In the Alpine regions, where many Naturefriends Houses are located, rising temperatures cause snow to melt faster and increase the risk of avalanches and mudslides. These natural phenomena can not only endanger the houses themselves but also damage hiking trails and infrastructure.
Many of the Naturefriends Houses in the Alps in Austria, Germany and Switzerland are over 100 years old. Due to limited and devalued funds, major renovation and replacement construction projects have accumulated over the years. The financing for the Alpine infrastructure is insufficient. This is no longer acceptable to Naturefriends groups, especially as the climate issue causes ever-increasing devastation from harsh weather. Last year, a big campaign was started by Naturefriends Austria and their Alpine partner organisations aiming to reach the 100,000-signature mark in their important campaign to save Alpine infrastructure.
More on this here: https://notruf-aus-den-alpen.at/
Climate change poses an enormous challenge for Naturefriends organisations, but also offers them the opportunity to take on a pioneering role in terms of sustainability and climate protection. The NFI will address the topic as part of its thematic working groups on sustainable tourism and climate justice.