Naturefriends Climate Fund

Your contribution to Climate Justice! The Naturefriends Climate Fund provides all Naturefriends with the opportunity of supporting climate protection projects by African Naturefriends as a compensation for trips with the plane or car - and thus of contributing personally to more climate justice. 100% of the contribution payments go into specific projects of African Naturefriends.

Outdoor clothing – More than a green raincoat?

Who makes how much money in the production of outdoor clothing, which is in high demand across the globe? Additionally, there is the complex issue of ecological sustainability, posing a lot of questions that are difficult to answer. A lot of questions that Naturefriends International will look into in this dossier.

Outdoor experiences for everyone

Accessibility in a natural environment is rare. The aim of this manual is to provide information on how to plan accessible outdoor experience activities in order to promote and facilitate their implementation. There are simple measures which can enable an enriching experience for a diverse group of people.

Poverty alleviation through tourism

In discussions on tourism policy reference is frequently made to the allegedly important role of tourism in combating and alleviating poverty. With the present dossier we should like to analyse the pro-poor potential of tourism in a factually substantiated and generally comprehensible manner.
SDG Speed Dating

SDG Speed Dating (EN)

Are you looking for a suitable partner? You're sure to find what you're looking for with this large selection. SDG speed dating gives you the chance to get to know the other SDGs and see if you have anything in common.

Travel photography

To photograph consciously and less while travelling helps tourists to meet the country and its people openly - for interesting insights and encounters with hosts at eye level. The dossier offers concrete tips on how to behave respectfully with the camera when travelling - and answers for example the questions of whether children may be photographed or whether one should pay for photos.