Naturefriends Haut-Rhin (France) support the Climate Fund
by Betty Miclo
Together with François Septier, President of NF France, we attended the NFI Autumn Conference in Lozio/IT and thank our Italian hosts for their warm welcome.
We all remember the heat and drought peaks of the last summers and this year again rare rainfall, important restrictions in the use of water... Year after year, due to the recurrent use of pesticides and insecticides, pollinating insects disappear; it is not necessary to recall all the negative and disastrous effects, we are all aware of it. It is quite naturally that the idea of planting flowers around our Naturefriends houses was born to contribute in our own way to the pollination and reproduction of our insects while demonstrating our commitment to a more virtuous approach.
It is in this spirit of solidarity that identifies the Naturefriends, that we wanted to join the "Fruit trees for Senegal" operation; this is a subject that is just as dear to our hearts: to contribute with our modest participation to the regreening of Africa.
The rural garden centre TREFLE VERT and more particularly the seed dealer CAILLARD have generously provided us with several kilos of seedlings of meliferous plants, many thanks to them. It is thanks to this partnership and the chain of friendship between the Naturefriends of the Haut-Rhin that we were able to bag and sell the seed packets to complete this three-faceted operation: our commitment to biodiversity, the financing of tree plantations for regreening in Africa and communication with and between the Naturefriends, both at national and international level.
In the name of the Naturefriends of the Upper Rhine I am able to hand over the result of this operation to the good care of the NFI, namely: 2000 Euros.
(October 2022)