Your Christmas tree grows in Africa
Together for more climate justice!
For many years, the Naturefriends Climate Fund has supported Naturefriends projects in Africa that help to mitigate the consequences of climate change and improve the living conditions of the local population.
The current Climate Fund project is being implemented in selected villages in the north of Senegal, a region that is particularly affected by climate change. Due to the increasing drought, agriculture is becoming increasingly difficult, and the once fertile soils are being destroyed by erosion. Planting fruit trees in cooperation with the population should help to strengthen the soil, improve the climate, and provide the villagers with valuable fruit in a few years' time.
Donate fruit trees
For 15 Euro, three fruit trees will be planted and taken care off. All trees will be given to a family directly and visited regularly by the project team in Senegal.
How it works:
1. Transfer at least 15 euros to the Naturefriends Climate Fund: https://climatefund.nf-int.org/en/donate/
2. Send an email with the date and amount of the transfer to office@nf-int.org
3. We will send you an email with the gift certificate, which can be printed at home. Upon request we can also send the certificate via mail – please let us know in your email.
Online Discussion with Mamadou Mbodji
More information on the tree planting activities in Senegal will be available in an online conversation on Monday, 29 November from 6 pm, during which Mamadou Mbodji, Vice-President of the Naturefriends International and President of African Naturefriends Network, will report on the project implementation.
The discussion will be held in German and French.
Registration for the Zoom-Discussion by email to: elena.teutsch@nf-int.org
More information about the Zoom-Discussion and the 1,000 Trees for Senegal campaign of the Naturefriends Hofheim (in German): https://www.naturfreunde-hofheim.de/update-zur-aktion-1000-baeume-fuer-den-senegal
Further information on the Naturefriends Climate Fund: www.climatefund.nf-int.org